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Rank: 285
Puzzles solved: 24


touugan, 403, grandfather, 44sunset, windfan, gray gray, gray studystudy
Puzzle Incorrect guesses Unlock time (EDT) Time to solve Solve time (EDT)
Nature 0 3h17m
Multitalented 0 199h47m
Assorted Colours 0 195h35m
Patchwork 0 195h43m
Chanel 0 196h6m
Follow the Leader 0 6m29s
Artifacts 0 9m44s
Dungeon Crawler 0 3m49s
The Dungeon 0 7m29s
Oil and Water 0 54s
🚩 0 3m0s
Personable 0 47m52s
Street View Hunt 0 14m3s
Land of Castles 0 18m57s
Dichotomous Key 0 22m18s
Musical Numbers 0 21m43s
Ziggurats 0 2m1s
Taskmaster 0 20m31s
Automata 0 10m52s
No Clue Matchmaker 0 15m22s
First You Go Down Broadway 1 59s
Take Me Home, Country Roads 0 4m40s
The Escape Artist 0 1m19s
Duality 0 14h36m