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First You Go Down Broadway

You are a spacetime traveller looking for entertainment - so you go to Broadway! As a connoisseur of historic theatrical productions, each time you enter a venue, you travel back or forward a number of years before exiting. You always exit a venue through the main entrance. While you’ll want to keep track of the date, years are of special importance to you. All references to street names apply to their names in 2023.

  1. It is a nice day, and the date is October 31, 2023. First you go down Broadway and arrive at Times Square, at the intersection of 7th Avenue and 45th Street, facing West.
  2. Walk forward and enter the first building on your left. Go to the third floor.
  3. Exit the building. You hear an announcement that today is the first anniversary of the production's opening. Turn left and keep going forward. You note that the first intersecting street you encounter shares its name with a city.
  4. The name of the third street that you visit has the property that its first three letters also form a common English word. On this street, turn left when the intersecting street name also has this property.
  5. Now stay on this street until you can turn right onto a street that shares its name with a direction. This new street will take you to an intersection where you can enter another street whose name can be reversed to form a word.
  6. At the end of this street, you will see your destination towards your left. Enter the building.
  7. Exit the building. You overhear a staff member saying it has been exactly seven years since this production opened. You are so impressed by this venue that you plan to return here later in the trip. Turn left and keep going forward on this road.
  8. Once you go past a spot that you visited before, turn right at the next intersection. Enter the last venue on your right on this block.
  9. Exit the building. You ask how many years the production has been running in this venue - and someone blurts out "Seven". You recall the name of this venue in 2023, and it is different from its current name.
  10. Walk towards your left and turn right at the first opportunity. You note that this street shares the name of a fruit. Keep walking along this street. At some point, you are forced to take a left turn.
  11. After the turn, keep walking north along the major road, until you encounter a road whose name contains a top-league football club. Enter the venue ahead to your right.
  12. Exit the building. You feel sad that this production (the third one of this show in this area) is closing tomorrow. You recall that the name of this building in 2023 is different. You decide to avoid traveling anywhere for three months.
  13. After your wait, walk to the nearest intersection on your left and then turn left.
  14. Go past two blocks then turn left again. Walk past the first few buildings. There is an alley on your right which has the same name as your destination. Enter the building. You are immediately wowed by this building and plan to return here later in the trip.
  15. Exit the building. You feel refreshed after watching the first show that is of a different genre than the previous shows on your trip. You also learn that this is the most recent production of this show in this area and it has been running for a month since moving to this new venue.
  16. Go right and turn left at the second opportunity. You note that if the last four letters of the name of the current street are replaced by a vowel, you get a colour.
  17. Keep walking in this direction until you see an interesting venue named after one of the most important figures in theatre history. In fact, you really like the show currently running in this venue and you plan to see it later.
  18. Now keep walking towards your right along the major road until you reach the destination which shares the same name as the road. Enter this venue.
  19. Exit the building. You are amazed at the quality of the performance despite it being the first preview.
  20. Head towards your left, then turn right onto a road that is very fitting for your trip.
  21. Turn left after going past six blocks on this road. Enter the venue ahead on your right.
  22. Exit the building. Feeling uplifted after seeing this opening performance, you ask the person who was in the seat neighbouring yours, "Is this a brand new production?" "No, this is the second time this show has been put on in this area."
  23. Walk towards your left along the main road. Keep walking along this road until you see a venue you've already visited on the street to your left. Instead of entering that street, take the next left turn.
  24. Follow the road. At some point, you walk past the entrance of a venue of interest on your left. You recall that in 2023 this venue has a production of a show that you have already watched on your trip.
  25. After passing this venue, turn left at the first opportunity. You take note of the name of the street you're currently on. You will later visit a place that shares a name with this street. Keep going forward until an intersecting street to your right has the property that the first four letters of its name also form a word.
  26. Enter the venue directly in front of you. You recall that this venue has a different name in 2023.
  27. Exit the building. What a brilliant 10 year anniversary celebration!
  28. Of the two buildings that you wanted to visit again, you have already revisited one of them, so you decide to head to the other now. Enter the building.
  29. Exit the building. Sadly, it was the final performance of this original production. Head south on the street that shares its name with a salad.
  30. Turn left at the second opportunity. Your destination is the building on your left. Walk forward to the entrance and enter the building.
  31. Exit the building. (Remember to exit through the main entrance.) You comment that it is a shame this original production of your favorite show will close exactly one year from now.
  32. Head to the opposite side of the road. Enter the second venue on your right. You remember visiting the venue that immediately neighbors it to the south earlier in your trip.
  33. Exit the building. This was an amazing opening performance of this revival! You wish that you had planned to see more shows of this genre on your trip.
  34. Walk to the venue that you walked past in step 24, and from there, follow the street that goes west, which is named after a queen. Walk to the other end of the street, and enter the venue to your right. There's a very long line, because this revival only opened yesterday.
  35. Exit the building on the 1 year anniversary of this show's revival. Go towards your right and turn left at the first opportunity.
  36. Keep walking forward and turn left at the third opportunity. Enter the first building of interest on your left.
  37. You reminisce about the journey, and in particular the last show you watched. A friend asks you a question about the trip, omitting a three-letter word. In your answer, you omit the last three letters.